Our Impact Over The Years
Coming Soon!
- 35,000+ books mailed to local children
- 5,200+ local children received free books
- Over 5,944 hours of direct support
- Mentoring over 250+ chronically absent students
- In-school support of 1,400+ middle school students
- $350,000+ in gap-filling grants to 15 local nonprofits
- 26,000+ local children and their families accessed critical services
- $375,000 in grants to 13 local non-profits
- 39,000 local children and their families accessed critical services
- 13,000 hours of direct support
- Mentoring over 250 chronically absent students
- In-school support of 850+ middle school students
- 44,066 local people received Emergency Food and Shelter support (over $1M granted in the last 3 years)
- $482,000 in FEMA Emergency Food & Shelter Program funds were placed for diapers, food, and temporary housing