Attendance Matters®­­

Attendance Matterscolor bar 2024

Attendance Matters® educates the community about regular school attendance to help kids graduate high school. We help local schools promote programs to increase attendance rates. Our mission is to enhance student success and encourage a positive path towards graduation. We make strategic investments in local agencies that address the root causes of absenteeism.

Middle School Mentoring Program

In 2021-2022 United Way of Benton & Franklin Counties launched a program to provide mentoring to chronically absent middle school students. This program decreases chronic absenteeism and increases engagement at school. The program serves students of all backgrounds and socioeconomic statuses, with a focus on students who have historically been underserved. The program currently mentors 250+ local students inside 9 local middle schools.

Our AmeriCorps members provide caring adult connections through lunchtime activities, individual or small-group check-ins, and targeted in-class support. 

What is an AmeriCorp Member?
Meet Our AmeriCorps Members


Toolkit & Resources

Attendance Matters® is a registered trademark with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Use of the service service mark must be approved by United Way of Benton & Franklin Counties. Please contact Jade Elliott to learn more about requesting permission and accessing the new toolkit. 

For more information on our Attendance Matters® program contact our Community Impact Director: Asta Bonheyo

Become an Attendance Matters® Sponsor

2025 Attendance Matters® Supporters


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