"It [Dolly Parton's Imagination Library] helped my daughter develop her social skills, it helped my daughter develop her language. Her language development was hugely impacted, so its definitely something we need... It creates memories."
Community Partners
"One of the things I really appreciate about United Way is that we are a community based organization and [when] we work together we can make the Tri-Cities such a better place for the kids that we serve from birth to middle school with the programs…
"...Just seeing their smile at the end of the day or just making that small interaction with them was everything about my day. I made an impact on that kid without even knowing. I think that's just the beauty about this job."
"I am thrilled to be a part of launching Dolly Parton's Imagination Library and being able to send free books to kids in Benton and Franklin Counties. Literacy is important for so many different things. It's the first step of being able to be…
“I never really thought I would serve for a program that cares so much for the community... this doesn't feel like a job to me, it feels like its literally part of my life. If I could do this for the rest of my life, I really would."
" Heartlinks is a team of 65 individuals made up of nurses, social workers, chaplains and we have just seen some significant growth in the last couple of years and we’re excited to be able to keep serving our community in this fashion and honored to…